Friday, August 9, 2013

Students of XI  are understanding the basic  concept of statistics, they are trying to present the data as possible as correct .For example.

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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Smart Class Activity for Geography Students Class XI-B2 & XI-A2

During last week (17 - 20 July, 2013) the Geography students of Class XI-B2 and XI-A2 took part in the Smart Class Activity on Chapter 'Landforms and their Evolution'. They explored the different landforms, their characteristic features, change brought on them by Geomorphic Agents. 

This activity was for those students who do not have internet connectivity at home. This e-lesson was created using open source free tool. This e-course material has animations, images, panorama views, online articles, audio, inter-activities  quizzes, close activities, multiple choice question for self assessing, assignments, and summaries through mind maps. This e-course material has helped me in delivering the most time consuming chapter in one go. 

Self Reflection for students.

1. What was your favourite topic of this lesson?
2. How would you describe the learning you achieved through this lesson?

Tell me about the two reflections through comments.

Suryaveer Singh